( pages of supports and no reply from noobcrew or vyp. :P
@RoboticDuck155 you don't make anyone log.
I've waited 3 hours to kill a guy cos he loot stole then logged xD
No such thing as an indestructible base. Your base isn't worth milions. /jump is easy to prevent if you got raided by it you deserved it.
I thought you meant with a sword
A lot of people have been lagging recently normally occuring in pvp. On OPFactions if more than like 8 people are pvping at spawn the whole server...
You can't kill them in 2 hits even with crit hits it's not possible.
#Pay2Win #PreachIt
Wasn't it on the mode before but got removed because it was extremly unfair having unlimmited against a guy who can have 9 sets at max. Also pvp...
You give you to me :)
You can't even complete the challenges because they require items from the nether to complete. :/
Not one where you die in 2 hits. It's overpowered and not needed.
What's wrong with telling people to stop breaking the rules?
Can I get my stack of 31 Super Golden Apples I dropped on accident on clear lag. I miss them ;-;
Tp me outside it bby <3.
Nobody should be acting like that. It's disrespectful and just disgusting honestly.
No support. This guy explains it.
The fire on swords is over powered on this game mode. They Can kill a player in 2 hits. The initial damage from the sword causes dmg but then you...