You got me banned by using photshop.:lol:
Good luck if they aren't no lifing CS:GO then they're having a sleep over.
Yeah, I know, someone tried getting me banned for advertising using it.
Most people make miniture flaws and mistakes while photoshopping, I have just got unbanned because someone photoshopped me saying "Kys" *cough...
Yes please I'll rake these up so fast lmao
Just like to say I think that there should be a punishment for using photoshopped evidence to get someone or to try and get someone banned. Maybe...
Your ingame name: HowDoIPvP The offender's exact ingame name: Pixonite Death Wish & Disrespect MoosePMC Disrespct Bisocia Disrespect A...
*he can be bothered to
@AmazingFireGirl can you tag cyp?
My IGN: HowDoIPvP Offenders IGN: _MEGA_COOKIE_ Rule broken: Ddos threats Evidence:
Mcleaks because people type in there actual name and password into the website to see if their account is on there, inturn putting their account...
It's piontless once you have 9cps with a diamond sword.
Ikr he is sexy af.
Best Jedi: Anakin Skywalker Best Sith: Darth Vader
"omg so close you nearly died" "omg how did you kill me so fast" "omg do you hack" "omg look at me i have dubs of p4 u3"
Support gh7st and many otheres deserve to be unbanned.
I don't really like you all that much you seem to moan a lot. You're awsome and just a total balla at infection and ily <3 I don't know you but...