Why did a moderator edit this?
In-Game Name HowDoIPvP What you lost/need 10tril How you lost it I got scammed for a rank upgrade Why should I refund the items to YOU Because...
No reply.
We did, two days ago.
No I just want to put my head in my house.
Can you friend me and give me my head?
How do you glitch them in anyways? Tads had a butt ton of them on prison.
Can you look at the ban appeals and reports plz. :3
And i'm not well rip you when I see you online.
Lies? Aviators?
Be active on forums (Have at least 50 trophy points) Be active INGAME (Have at least a mvp or higher rank.). Have at least 2 wins and 20 kills....
The person recording this didn't know that labymod wasn't allowed until he uploaded it and I told him. He isn't using the mod anymore so please...
Your ingame name: ILikePinaColadas The offender's exact ingame name: Yakovitch A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
Idk where I have to report on this section or forums report so i've just put it here si nce it consernes both Ingame and on the Forums My Ign:...
Three people were downgraded on the same server with about 15 minutes between each downgrade so we belive we were downgraded by the same person...
Photoshop /ˈfəʊtəʊˌʃɒp/ verb -shops, -shopping, -shopped 1. (transitive) to alter (a digital photograph or other image), using animage editing...
I've been kicked atleast over 30 times on carnival alone for getting into that tree. Mods have seen how I do it (crouch jump off then sprint...
Yo just afk with triggerbot yakno
Can you clarify what the punishment is?
You mean you? @MoosePMC