Also deadex2111 is golden's alt.
1. Fruit1k 2. GoldenBlaze1763 3. Hacks (eating and hitting at the same time) 4. [MEDIA] 2:04
The Ip banning thing shows how you aren't reasonable in thinking that just because some1 hacks means that their family member has to be banned...
To be honest, I dont think you really deserve mod. You aren't that mature in game, even though you say it on your mod app. So that kinda shows you...
He was saying he wanted a s30, and I told him it was $30, and he said just replied with "give or banned"
1. Fruit1k 2. tristen1128 3. Hacks 4. [MEDIA]
1. Fruitk 2. ErikReyes808 3. Hacks 4. [MEDIA] The hacks are most shown at 2:45
1. Fruit1k 2. TheSavageBrother 3. Blackmail 4.
1. Fruit1k 2. Dorji2013 (She also has an alt named Dorji2012 3. Hacks 4. [MEDIA]
1. Fruit1k 2. Zmasm 3. He scammed me. 4.
1. Fruit1k 2. YounqMetro__ 3. Saying that he will get his friends to ddos people 4.
who is older u or dyna?
Im not sure, but when I was recording, it looked like hacks when he began pvping.. It was Mainly Jake though
1. Fruit1k 2. JakeTrabucco and xIvalvaIx 3. Hacking 4. [MEDIA]
1. Fruit1k 2. BabieDeath 3. Death threats 4.
Hey, if anyone is doing rank upgrades for op pvp items/cash , please let me know. I am trading about 65k A lot of gaps/e-pearls, over 9 stacks...
1. Fruit1k 2. VanillaBabee 3. Death Threats 4.