wot who r u
she sent him n00ds
1. Fruit1k 2. Mr_CheeseBooger 3. hacks 4. [MEDIA]
no shi* it's not allowed, but people still do it lol...
well im trading 52k now lol..
js if u think ur ugly why would u post a pic of yourself lmao...
the next maxninja? wait no, no1 can compare to the l0rd himself.
support lol
gratz :D
Pause it at like 0:07 when I begin typing in chat, u can see what he said.
Yeah, pause the video and look in chat.
1. Fruit1k 2. Laithothebeast 3. [MEDIA] 4. Tp traps, he says tpa for 1v1, and then tps me right to the void, it was on the edge of the void so he...
1. Fruit1k 2. samson4212 3. Trading an acc 4. http://imgur.com/a/ASyHd
1. Fruit1k 2. SagaqPvp 3. Trying to trade an acc. 4. http://imgur.com/a/3BO4q
Watch the whole video, and look at how he hits me without even looking, and it also looks like triggerbot
1. Fruit1k 2. adrianbeshku 3. Hacks (aims for my dog half the time) 4. [MEDIA]
1. Fruit1k 2. Zyla_ 3. Hacks 4. [MEDIA]
1. Fruit1k 2. LFH04 3. Asking to buy an alt 4. http://imgur.com/a/NnHfx