My Username: MrPronounce Offender's Username: 0_inzanity Rule Broken: Threats. Proof:
Within infection, there are many ways that were not intended to be used within basically every map. My suggestion is to simply block off these...
My Username: MrPronounce Offender's Username: Radaron and simpious_2 Rule Broken: Use of hacked client; flying Proof: Radaron: [MEDIA]...
Just curious to find out if this is actually a broken thing, with them setting as I've sat in lobby for 30 minutes afk without my cape setting...
My Username: MrPronounce Offender's Username: Swagger851 and Cmoreno32 Rule Broken: Inappropriate chatting Proof: (Multiple Screenshots, in no...
My Username: MrPronounce Offender's Username: BossSix46784513 Rule Broken: Hacking, Anti-kb Proof: [MEDIA]
My Username: MrPronounce Offender's Username: wwplgamer Rule Broken: Using "/shop :" command in lobby to kill users. (Abusing Glitches) Proof:...
My Username: MrPronounce Offender's Username: IiFatBoyiI Rule Broken: Disrespect, death threats, etc. Proof:...
My Username: MrPronounce Offender's Username: XxDragonSkiller Rule Broken: Death threat, told me to "kys". Kys - Commonly known as "Kill Yourself"...
My Username: MrPronounce Offender's Username: fashinglam Rule Broken: Typing while crouched/Hacking Proof: [MEDIA]
Mr Username: MrPronounce Offender's Username: Treewalker2006 Rule Broken: Glitch abuse Proof: [MEDIA]
My Username: MrPronounce Offernder's Username: buffhead123 Rule Broken: Hacking, Use of AutoAim Proof: (Enjoy the song) [MEDIA]
My Username: MrPronounce Offernder's Username: Zinfamous Rule Broken: Hacking, Use of anti-kb Proof: [MEDIA]
I believe I should be white-listed on Cyp's Crib. That is all.
Offender: SimplyDope