June 24th¿¿
Yeah, minecraft doesn't work on my laptop anymore so I was seeing if I'd missed anything important :)
Take up some hobbies to keep yourself occupied and take your mind off it :) You could bake (if you trust yourself enough not to burn down your...
Eh, not making a thread or anything because who cares, but I'm not going to be around until the end of June. Peace ☮
Support, they really need updating :P
No support; it makes it too over powered for D-miners and people won't have to painfully mine birch to rankup like the rest of us. If it were to...
I agree. No support.
I think they just need some decent lighting in there and could disable enderman griefing :) I also think it would be quite cool to have a hostile...
*adds intense money generation to my to do list* I hope it's worth the money :P
Not really, you just pour waffle batter onto a waffle iron instead of a pan :)
Support :D
pancakes are just waffles that have no shape :P
I really like the idea of Mr Safe :P Support for the others; I was going to criticise '720' but tbh I can't think of a better name for it so :D
3 aka threeeeeeee
I see what Trade is saying, but I'm still going to support as it'll only get added if it's entirely plausable anyway :p
I have (waterguns ftw) Never have I ever broken a bone
I have not (I feel like by now I should have though :D ) Never have I ever watched frozen
I'm a hoarder so yeah... you're not going anywhere pal.
I agree with everything, especially what Str said. A reset would be so nice ^-^
I remember playing pc for the first time (I'd only found out that it was a thing after seeing and playing pocket edition on my old ipod) and...