^ I'd support the idea of a warning, maybe 5 minutes, 2 minutes then 1 minute before the server restarts but, as @kinsey_kid stated previously, it...
Support, but as @kinsey_kid said you'd have to email [email protected] with your suggestion :)
I know that, I'm just saying that alternative interpretations of his name could work as an excuse :t:
I mean you could always justify that your name simply expresses that you're a horned animal like a bull and that you want to grow horns to show...
I wasn't referring to the everyday issues where I can agree that sometimes people fail to be seen to quickly, I was simply saying that if there...
If and when this does arise, I'm sure there will be someone in the mv staff team who will see to the issue and resolve it; patience is a virtue in...
Support! You've always been chill when I've been on throughout the last two years, I think you've definitely matured so I wish you the best of luck :)
You're a lot whiter than I remember... and damn you learnt how to grow facial hair before I did! I must say, I'm a little jealous.
Well minecraft isn't going anywhere past the server selection panel without crashing, and my life is good but also not good but also kinda okay?...
*Shouts hello into the room of people who were not here*
5'3 and honestly I enjoy being classed as 'smol' by my peers I pretend I'm 13 to get child rates for everything, it's brilliant :D
Same, I haven't even figured out what mineverse is yet..
Hi :)
But this place is dead :/
Nice track, pretty relaxing :)
I keep forgetting my password and being too busy/lazy, and honestly I prefer coding to dying minecraft servers :s I'll try and come on during...
I completely agree; any word can be put into an offensive context. I feel that it all comes down to a player's maturity, or clear lack of, and on...
doing exams and frying my own brain cells; I only have four to go though :D I also need to work out how to get minecraft to work and stuff
Wow; I seem to learn something new every day!
:D <3