hullo sir
I've sent you a request on my MySpace account please put me in your top 8 xoxo gossip girl
Ah true, but hello :) feel free to droppeth a dm
yes many good reads thank you, this is one for my child's e-library so support, yes?
yes I Will support you very much as I know you are supporting me in my 14 year old adventures. Support :D
Wdym sando gets all of the victory royales
Support, could plant more bobs though.
we mizz you <3
The best doggo
big bork
Have you learnt to tie your shoelaces yet?
): You should've pulled a Paul and just got in the car anyway- and vlog the entire thing, of course.
Fifty Shades?
How do I turn child lock off internet explorer? I want to go on binweevils but it's blocked :(