There's people who say it's fake, but I believe it's true. People say it's caused by humans, however I believe that it has nothing to do with...
1: uh, idk. 2: I discovered Minecraft from a friend c; 3: I discovered Mineverse from a person on skyblock ages ago. They told me about it, so I...
*fangirls* what
Alright c; I just wanted to make one of these, because why not? Go ahead and ask me anything you want, and I will answer ~Livvy
NO BAE ;~~~~~~~;
Pile <33
Your in game name: livvyxxxo Offenders in game name: I am not aware of who it is. Rule they broke/how they broke it: I used /warp spawn instead of...
Please don't grave dig >.>
Glitcher please do not grave dig...
Ah thank you :)
My in game name: livvyxxxo Offenders in game name: surviveking Rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming and advertising. Evidence: Attached.
My in game name: livvyxxxo Offenders in game name: tjmz1 What rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising. Evidence/screenshots: Attached.
Bump ;3 Sowwy
LoL Fruit or vegetables?
Sword. Cats or dogs?
Banned for being a parkour guy :t
ierd nA It's easier with the tablet o3o