1.oogasplada 2. Greg_Hughes 3. Fly hacking 4. Picture uploaded
Again you can see Kronos at the top. Why would you report someone for hacking if you hack?
At the very top you can see that Mowcar uses Kronos. It says this at the top
Changed to UnLegitGamerHD
@Pile_of_Butts i hit raymondoman many times but he didnt take damage
1.oogasplada 2.UnLegitGamerHD 3. Using kill aura 4.[media]
1. oogasplada 2. brant2 3. Using hacks ( in this video reach hacks) 4.[media]
1. oogasplada 2.icecream1152 3. Scammed me for in game money 4. screenshots uploaded
1. oogasplada 2.hamstertofu 3. He scammed me saying if i paid him 100 $ in game he'd get me sponsor. 4. Video uploaded [media] If i could get...
1.oogasplada 2.LukasHewitson114 3. Using bow hacks to shoot fast 4.[media]