┈┈╱▔▔▔▔▔╲┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ You have been visited ┈╱┈┈╱▔╲╲╲▏┈┈┈┈┈┈ by the pedo-monkey. ╱┈┈╱━╱▔▔▔▔▔╲━╮┈┈ Copy and paste this on ▏┈▕┃▕╱▔╲╱▔╲▕╮┃┈┈ the walls of...
Another 5?!?!?!??! Okay.. Lol
I definitely will. I saw that on your profile xD.
This is extremely nice of you to donate all of these items. Someone will be very lucky! I am not trying to win, I just want to say, you're a good...
I actually thought it was Oliver Queen (The Arrow) in the shrunken version. You're definitely into mythical people / humans / creatures. I'd go...
No! ;( I hope you enjoy college (who does though from what I've seen), get a good job, and I'll definitely see you around. You made the right...
and regurgitated you
Not mod anymore? ;(
@Paradise Forever alone, of course.
Support!!! Or double support, I respond to a lot of apps. SUPPORT! Good luck Sniiper <3
I believe this is the story. He MIGHT be having suicidal thoughts, (maybe seeks attention), due to lots of people talking about the Torch Virus.
Elrak, don't be a jerk.
Elliot is correct. We were trying to help, it would've been nice to know it was over something as simple as a fake virus. Disappointing to be...
You shouldn't have suicidal thoughts about it. I haven't even heard about it. Take a break if you are annoyed, it works for me :)
You should, don't think like that ;(
French toast, or I guess French Waffles. Just kidding, pancakes.