no not yet bro
your friend hacked my account and i want it back plz
thanks dude I love you
right now its (Duckymom000) it was (twin_mic) my first ever name was Duckymomooo But then my account got hacked :(
Dam) k ill wait well thanks man i just hope i get my rank back
Ok how long will it take for them to fix it?
k but how can i get my rank back because i got hacked
The scam is on my skype tho and ill make another thread
So if its possible could you guys get me elite Cyp and Noobcrew
Hi My name is Duckymomooo/twin_mic recently i was on opfactions when some one wanted to give supreme I said sure then he said that he need my...
Hye Cyp I was wondering if you could get me elite rank back because i got my account hacked right now Im Ssundee1232 I just donate 5$ to prove...
Hye Noobcrew I was wondering if you could get me elite rank back because i got my account hacked right now Im Ssundee1232 I just donate 5$ to...
I did Thats just being lazy so just plz unban me :( your going to get paid extra if you do it now
Then plz help me get my rank back and unban me that just cruel
Arena_xena hates me :(
awesome dude make a thread to get it back to tho
Also I dont know why u ban me if i did not hack.. All i was trying to say is to fix it but felt lazy and decided to do it later when u told me ill...
Hi my Name is Twin_mic I change my name to that because i thought it would be funny so when i got on to survival all my stuff disappeared and...