ArcherTomahawkPvP sounds like a fine name if you ask me.
Dude, don't get so down in the dumps. Maybe if you don't get a lot of support there's a reason...that is what I learned.
This quote is just so bad. So you are threatening you won't be active if you don't get moderator? You are almost pulling a me. P.S. I know this...
No support. New to the forums. Not a lot of information.
See you in a day!
Idk who am I
Full support :)
CrateKeys would be better, but support still :)
Hey! Welcome back! Been a while since we talked ;)
Hey! It's been a while :O
Neutral, could be annoying, but cool.
Tell parents. Call Crisis Team. Don't tell her directly. Might make her more mad.
Support. Good luck :)
No support, but good luck anyway.
Support all the way :)
You can disable weapons being sold. Not that hard.
Neutral, but good luck either way :)
Neither. #gamegotrekt