I never try to be funny.
Bye Felicia
*gets trapped in a portable loo* *breathing intensifies* *breathes the whole world's air* *everyone dies*
Why can I ignore you and @Nimjam but not @Dewster and @Rythen?
They were gonna delete it anyway, but if I tell the truth, I argued about it.
Would you look at the rules lol. It's been removed.
Me trying to give a friendly heads up. lol I know it can be annoying... lol If you mean by deleting my comment, then lol they did, right before...
Listen up, before you lock this for 'Flame wars' or something like that, I want to try get something cleared up. So as you know someone is known...
103 +1 :D
Well to be fair, yea... rip
You're going to copy anoher application later knowing you :t
He can't. MOM! How can @DoctorDistructo kill me?
+1 103 ... ... ...
I can't even...
I want extra large jumbo size! xD
Look at the date of the last comment... Gravedug
Okay fair enough cx
Obviously because he's applying and wants to be a staff member again? Do you think it's a troll or something?
Kiss your sister No support, it's like doing it to "WTF" because of it meaning "what the ___" when it can mean lots of things.