He's not saying it's over powered or anything ... It's just that compared to the other ranks that you pay MORE for and get less ( MVP and ^ ) I...
IGN : UniQue_GhosT Terms of competition: Agreed Rank: God When can you be on ?: every day 3-6 hours.
Fryzigg I think you should perm ban that account , it's an alt account. People use it to scam then they pay their original account .... I'm not to...
Tp killing is aloud .... Read the rules
2 of them are hackers * ( hulk and johul) notice how they get non stop hits even when M4s4r4g4m3r is pearling away
^^^^ poop*
NO, Are you stupid?! I agreed to tp because I want'ed a raid! He lied and misleaded me so that is bannable.
Then why did you say" how can I run hacks with 1.7.10 optifine" If you knew you never would've said that, ( not trying to be mean or anything )...
I wan'ted a raid. He killed me. There's no resemblance.
That's not consent, I didn't expect it, he literately said , " tp for raid ". Explain how I know that I was going to die, there is no consent here.
william, I probably know about hacks more then anyone here, you can have optifine running with hacks, it comes with it sometimes. I'm not saying...
Lol, he didn't do that though, it says "your consent to die" I didn't know I was going to die, he said " Tp for raid" as it show above in one of...
OMG! You guys both recorded each other! Why can't you just conclude that he doesn't hack, idk about william, he just wan'ts you banned out of...
No it's not?
Theeerrreeee weeee GOOOoOoOoo
One sec, just grabbing the screen shots, they didn't show up for some reason.