I'm on your page because it's open to public lol. All I was saying is if you actually can't move your leg then you should go to the doctor...
so if you cant move your leg why are you posting it on a minecraft website
Your follower count is the exact amount of friends you will ever have, your mom and your dad, assuming they didn't leave you.
I can tell
Can I request for you to hold some sort of relevance to this website before trying to get roasted?
So is your social life.
I like doing these because most everyone on here dislikes me for some reason or another but don't have the balls to say it, so I always get a...
I have a bad feeling about this
im a trendsetter. am i cool yet
What would you like me to roast you on? The fact that you're 16 and have a pokemon for a profile picture? Or maybe that your love life is just...
I believe you're on the wrong website. https://www.tumblr.com/ here you go
You forgot the negative sign
Think harder? I can tell 'u' didn't make it past middle school Roasting is all for fun anyway. Everyone has imperfections and it's fun to...
All I can say is that it makes sense that you are friends with a 35 year old woman on a Minecraft website.
No Your signature is the exact reaction of any woman looking at you. I bet you were the first one at your elementary school to deal with...
So am I, but I'd like to think you are mentally handicapped. I was just going to say that to you, because you are so irrelevant, that I wouldn't...
You're like if the most boring person ever decided to have their sense of humor surgically removed
Keep in mind you have to be relevant to be roasted