Players ign: Grqpeon Reason for report: Owning a tool Evidence: @Clxrity you say that Owning a tomohawk is leagal....
Player name: Grqpeon Rule that was broken. "Owning a tool" Evidence: Reported by Apocalypses.
So I saw some people carrying obsidian around on archerpvp. I want to know if this is bannable. Mod nomoresanity says that it is but on the forum...
Player name: Younqmetro_ Evidence [MEDIA]
Player name: ItsBootifulHD Evidence: [MEDIA] Reported by: Apocalypses.
Use this form to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your forums account name: Apocalypses The offender's forums account name...
Persons name: panamaPapers Server: Parkour Reason: they told one of my friends to kill themselves in real life. Evidence:...
Hello! My name is apocalypses! My friend masterispro123 is sponsor but his rank does not appear on creative. Proof he is sponsor:...
Your in-game name: Apocalypses. What timezone are you in? Eastern standard. What country do you live in? America What languages do you speak?...
Your forums account name: Apocalypses The offender's forums account name (link to profile): WhySayHax A description of what rule they broke/how...
Use this form to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your forums account name: Apocalypses The offender's name :...
Note: I know people are going to criticize this for lack of color, however I do not commend using color as a means to get people to give me...
Hello! my name is Apocalypses! I am currently Titan rank on mineverse, however i bought a cape a day ago from the mineverse shop, and i cannot see...
My in game name is Apocalypses. Scammers in game name is Fuzionz_thunder. They broke the scamming rule where scamming is illegal. They offered to...
What is your in-game name? My In-game name is Apocalypses How old are you? 16 What country are you currently living in? The U.S What language(s)...
Hello my name is Stephen. I have been apart of the mineverse community for a year or so. My past in game names have been, _Tie_ Exceptedtie,...