My Ign: Apocalypses Rule broken: Cussing/Filter bypass Player name: Il0veYou Love spelled with a zero (0) Evidence:...
Hey I have been thinking. A lot of servers have youtuber and twitch ranks and stuff. I was thinking that maybe mineverse could do this too! I'm...
Your ingame name: Apocalypses The offender's exact ingame name: Y2J1985 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
My Ign: Apocalypses Players Ign's: KingYokeo xxdreamyxx Rule broken: hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
Your ingame name: Apocalypses The offender's exact ingame name: Shadowblader A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising...
(Old kitpvp) (kitpvp2) Your forums account name: Apocalypses The offender's forums account name (link to profile): XplosiveV A description of...
[IMG] Opening statement Recently I realized that I haven't done one of these "Introductions" so I'm doing one now :) Let me note that I am not...
Hey guys I was just wondering about the current status on the towny reset bug. Literally everyones inventory and echest are reset and I was just...
Your forums account name:Apocalypses The offender's forums account name (link to profile): Hydropython04 A description of what rule they broke/how...
As you know there is a /! command that allows players to tp up fence posts and such, well this is being abused. After you type the /! command and...
Your forums account name: Apocalypses The offender's forums account name (link to profile): Hydropython04 A description of what rule they...
Your forums account name: Apocalypses The offender's forums account name (link to profile): Spider_manisgod A description of what rule they...
Not sure if someone has already made this suggestion but jump boost on the hub would be pretty cool and I think it would fit in with the planet...
[IMG] Note: Archerpvp, Towny, Kitpvp (Old and new), Oppvp, infection, prison, and parkour are the main gamemodes I play but I do enjoy playing...
My ign: Apocalypses Scammers ign: Benjisyaiba Server: Prison Rule they broke: Scamming Evidence?: [MEDIA]
I would like to request a mod to go over this report. If possible I would like randomninja or exstatisfy when they are able to. Or a head mod :)...
Player name: jlaudio server: parkour evidence: [MEDIA]
Players name: Gullycraft Server: parkour Reason for report: Player is hacking: Evidence: [MEDIA] Thank you for reading this report!
Your in-game name: Apocalypses. What timezone are you in? Eastern standard. What country do you live in? North America (united states) What...
Player name; NutellaPlausMc Reason for report: They are using a axe. Evidence: [MEDIA] You can tell they where using a axe because nutella and...