Although I don't like to keep arguments going, my moderator application has been closed for over a month, and you couldn't have judged it without...
Hey just wondering, are you even reading his comments? Also, have you ever made a moderator application? It's a hard task and the whole font size...
100% support. I've played with this player for quite some time, and he is very mature, fair, polite etc.
My in-game name is noblesuntzu and I want like to buy a rank for 100k, preferably MVP but most likely VIP/Sponsor. I am also open to trading some...
In game name: noblesuntzu Why do you want this?: I just really want to buy commander xD Lucky Number: 36
Just trying to get someone to buy me Premium...
OK so the player "SpeedyForDayz" msged me saying that he did upgrades. So I asked for Premium, and said I'd give him p3, and an efficiency IV,...
Uhh I don't know how to word this but thanks lol.
May I ask why?
Not really. I think this is layed out very nicely, and you put a lot of information. Good luck -noblesuntzu
Thanks for the advice, and the reason for the "Gs" is I used them for place holders, but then I remembered the "Alignment" button lol. Again,...
How old are you 11 Your in-game name Noblesuntzu What time-zone are you in Eastern Standard What country do you live in Georgia What...
I support 95%. You put alot of work into this application, which shows your obviously dedicated, and the very small amount of time that I talked...
I would normally say it was lag too, but you can't lag more then 3 blocks in the air. As for more evidence, I have no more, but I bet alot of...
Okay, so on factions, I said in the chat "Who wants the buy me sponsor for an effic IV pick, 19 cave spider spawners, and a god sword!?" and...
Offenders Name: Bailz2004 Reporter: Noblesuntzu. Okay, so on factions, I said in the chat "Who wants the buy me sponsor for an effic IV pick, 19...
Hey, thanks for reading my report. The reason this screenshot is from the old factions server, is because I reported it and PandaBear closed it....
I'm going to make this quick. The player "vivint10" has been spamming and advertising, and its very annoying, so please ban/mute him. Thank you...
You only read one part of it... I said I didn't want to be mod anyway.. and I never said I was leaving the forums? I just meant I was done with my...