1. Halex00 2. otfskrown 3. blatant movement hacks in infection 4. [MEDIA]
Since this contest involves map building on creative, I just wanted to point out that /brush used to work on creative and now it doesn't is there...
just keeping the thread active with a bump
No I mean that even if you turned on mob spawning on your island no mobs would spawn, nobody had any resource from mobs such as bonemeal, building...
It was removed because the plugin for it interfered with normal mob spawning which was why you never really had any mobs spawning on the server...
Personal Introduction Hey Mineverse, for those that don't know me, I am Halex00, I have been a memeber of mineverse since 2013 and recently became...
For anyone curious, I hopped into a discord call with Rythen earlier, basically said that while he liked my builds, the team has become pretty...
Good to know, I applied for builder back in 2014 and not much came out of it, I have improved a lot since then so I figured I would give it...
Hi everyone, Before all the credentials below, I just wanted to clarify that this is a builder application, not a moderator application. There is...
This may come off as slightly ranty, but everything I say is important and should be acknowledged, because of this I decided to post this in the...
I have 2 double chests for item trading in the spawn, sorry if I didn't get those in the picture, as for structures, there are 5 on the map that...
Also as a heads up to anyone downloading the map, It is very possible the map could still be improved upon further with more buildings and such,...
IGN: Halex00 Map Name: Alps Gamemode for Map: Kitpvp Description of Map: Kitpvp is a great mode but the map has gotten a bit stale over the...
Hey Cypriot, could you do me a solid and tell me the seed for the skyblock server? Thanks.
sorry internet gave up for 30 mins there, good btw, you?
been a while, decided to say hi :p
Haven't talked or spoken to you in ages, but support! How could I not?
Ya, swapped to this name so long ago, prob should go back to halex by now but I'm too lazy to make a request lol
Thanks :)