Support. It's so easy to leave the houses there is almost no point to even go into them.
Support. Its a simple idea but good one
Elise Trouw and Your gf look quite similar Juulllpods
Wow this is the most cringe thing I have seen in a hot minute. Literally just went to Pinterest lol. Very embarrassing
Happy Birthday big bro bro! Live it up!!1
Dumbest idea I have honestly ever heard
yeah im with u here i think /heal in general should be taken out. its literally making people worse at pvp by relying on an instant 20 health you...
have you seen what it did to spawn
support that just makes this pay to win lol /heal is so bad for the game
support but not insta kill
i like the drippy kars
Happy Birthday!
this is almost dumber than wiping everyones account idea. Not a single person cares
MAW x 55 was eating good today on folk... MAW x 55 merch dropping soon stay tuned fr MAW x 55 on top fr :smilingimp:
this is the dumbest idea i have ever heard
support PogChamp!