hagetdeniedloserhanoimkidingiloveyou,youwillgetacceptedoneday @Janice999 @Noobcrew
Huge no support on this.
no support for reasons stated above
i agree with porky rn, if this server hits 200 then you need more staff. anyway the only people who are applying are the ones who left for 6...
You're clearly going to be kept in the school you epic gamer. Congratulations btw!!! <3 <3 so proud :)
21 clearly
ily ordi :)
Yo! Yeah, alright I guess I have some explaining to do. At first once I resigned I begin to think that Mineverse wasn't worth the time due to...
Bump! :) Sorry for the inactivity lately, I've been away on a short vacation. @trinityy does have a point. All of your reasons as to why no...
Happy birthday!! <3_<3
Because I love you so much and you were such a great mod I’m changing to support Best of luck.
ilysm accept, you were my mentor, and an amazing friend. But for reasons stated above I'm going to have to go with neutral for now. However, I...
ily <3