Good idea
Changed minecraft name ~TheBladeLeez1212
You need more detail on your app. Good luck
No support
C'mon Pile, just be promoted
Account glitched? You didn't send a lot of messages. You need to have more than 10 ratings so probably you can promote to be Member. PS. I love...
Lets aim for 100 positive ratings
"Let me be your girlfriend. I'll keep you in the attic. Promise you won't leave me?" Promise. But I should be free ranged not prisoned lol
Don't even have any likes? Wow
That's much better :) . One more thing, add more information on "Why do you think you should become a mod?" For example like Hacking, Swearing,...
Very well. I decreased the font size. I will try to be more helpful and active :)
Might be your opinion but my opinion is that it should be spaced out so it's much clearer to read :)