You know we all have different timezones. If you took that at 7 am how do you know the other timezones for the rest. It can be night when they are...
Do you need the armour fix ? I can fix your armour for free if you like.
Banned for having the color yellow.
No Support.
Welcome to forums.
Thanks for your statement.
I'm not sure. Some people worked hard into getting high prestiges and once they find out they had restarted they would get mad.
Ok :)
Disliking my post when I am saying a fact that is true. Kk
Ok :>
He said Kitpvp or Prison money. I don't know why you guys are putting other gamemode money when he clearly said Kitpvp or Prison.
I heard you like Cats :> My Avi shows it all.
I heard that quickflame quit ;-;
Does it involve this server or can it be any other server ? Can it also be money/items in other gamemodes combined ?
How do you put a screenshot as a signature :O
Bump for the day. Feedback needed.
Still miss you cx. Bruh :D (Iceream)
Ugghh that rhetorical question is a needle to the spine :P Over all I think you would be a pretty decent Mod, you would get the job done, but...
Welcome. Enjoy your stay :>