IGN: FrozenWarrior Offenders IGN: Noobcrew_ is hacking on lobby and Toheedprff786 is hacking on infection Offence: hacking Proof: [MEDIA] and...
someone close this, this is a troll app
CypriotMerk :p or xzxcharliebigmuffinxxeatdrugsxxx jk but i think xXx_PvP_Wario_PvP_xXx
ACCEPTED you are member.
Your application has been Accepted you are Bill Cipher Jr.
Someone is DDoSing the server again:confused::artist::bag::grum:
Gravity Falls Survival Town Recruitment Thread. This is a Gravity Falls Themed survival town. [IMG] Rules. 1. No griefing. 2. No cussing. 3. No...
op me, or answer this :D. whats 9+10
IGN: FrozenWarrior Why i want it: because i am poor and i would like to know what it feels like to be rich :D Number: 777
did you misspell everything on purpose :P
That's what i do. lmao every round that i am on, i thought it wold be cool because there aren't any infection clans
Edited template and rules. Does not count for people who got there template accepted
lol ok...
IGN: FrozenWarrior Why i want it: i would like it because i am poor irl and in game and i would like this account because it has alot of ranks and...