billcipher_ Biaminater26 hacks [MEDIA] i let him kill me to see that he hacks, and i killed the other zombies.
BillCipher_ skylanderdavid hacked client i guess he tried to use a hack client and crop the...
hey pile :D can you set my Birthday to June 24 1999. Thanks <3
who r u
look at 19-27 also even the picture of the vid shows i was hit while he is sideways.
BillCipher_ Jokeplayer25 hacking [MEDIA]
i am buying or upgrading sponsor or premium for a Gunpowder on gta
@TannerLittle ?
BillCipher_ gamebros2013 tp killing [MEDIA]
support, but no op gta. gta is already op with people spamming jumpers at spawn, and using gp to kill everyone. I dont think anyone would join Op...
What are the plugins used in gta? thanks BillCipher
BillCipher_ Broken_soldier and Manhis targeting [MEDIA] also broken keeps telling me "targeted for life" as seen here [IMG]...
can @Nanurz or someone pm me the plugins for gta? tys
you look like @Alex
A feather and gun powder on gta IGN: BillCipher_ god kits on gta
YUM scorpions
can you change my b-day to June 24 1999 plz. Thx <3