Let me guess... someone stole your sweetroll
Lol every one is not using the live chat
I love your Profile Picture its hilarious
Hey i had a similar Problem On a different server you may have to unplug your wifi router, wait 20-30 seconds then plug it back in. hope this helps
Thank you
Right back at you
Support you sound like a really nice person I hope to be good friends
Not being mean but why is there so many of these
its alright... if you have a lizards voice You HAMSTER STRING Jk good try
Big pictures Vine kids Drugs Babies Pokemon random encounter the world
Nothing will happen
Give us memes Give us memes Give us memes Give us memes Give us memes Give us memes Give us memes Give us memes Give us memes Give us memes Give...
pst i know who you are... Hail Sithis
Lol oh no you "caught me"
Lol Funny
Thank you as well