also dont have a random convo on my profile it freaks out my alerts lmao
Shipped? more like we are sipped lmao
@Moni loves it too
<3 lmao
you like?
like my profile picture?
Everyone who can, comment :sipstea: on @Moni's profile, don't ask why, just do it xD
figure this belongs here [ATTACH]
aint wrong lmao
yeah we do you got a problem with that lol yes we r
u ned to drink da tea tho xD
"buddies" hmm maybe a little more lmao
@Accept x @Abbieee maybe
@Accept x @emotionss
@Abbieee and tea could ship tea with me as well tbh xD
[IMG] hmmm ofc support
I wasn't on forums for a while so here's a late congrats :D
Look at the wonderful signature I made :sipstea: