I should've known all along You gotta move or move on When you break up in a small town
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has already been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
Unfortunately I have to deny this report since I cannot see the whole screen. Sorry. :( Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence...
Thank you for your report. This player has been muted. This thread has been moved to Reports - Archives.
Thank you for the report. Unfortunately the evidence provided is insufficient. Should you gain more evidence in the future, do not hesitate to...
This isn't enough for me to warn or punish in any way. If he were going after someone specifically (which I don't see), I might would say...
Unfortunately, the IP check did not match up.
No, they must be current videos.
Dang that must have been some crazy trash talk!
I am adding this to the list we have on what is wrong with prison. Thank you for letting us know.
Search your username in the search bar, that will tell you why you cannot connect. Closing since the question will be answered by that.