Congratulations! You are going to be awesome! Im just sorry I didn't get the chance to work with you.
Congratulations! You are going to do great! Wish I could have worked with you <3
Well crap, I play on ps4. And no, not mod anymore as of this week.
What platform?
Thank you guys for all the love. I appreciate it more than you know. I've had many ask if I'm leaving Mineverse. At this time, I'm not planning on...
I want first start by saying that I absolutely was not going to be one that left a thread. But there is something that needs to be said that won't...
@DanDeDonut has this issue been fixed?
Closing this due to lack of response. If you are still having issues, please open another thread or speak to a moderator in a private message.
Closing since you have been instructed on how to go about getting this fixed. Good luck :)
@InsanePvP has this issue been resolved?
Closing, since this seems to have worked itself out. If you have the issue again, please open another thread. :)
This seems to have worked itself out. I know several people were having issues at this same time as well. If it happens again, please feel free to...
If this hasn't been fixed by re-logging, please send an email to [email protected] with proof of your Titan rank. That is the only way that...
The only way to be able to potentially get this back would be to email [email protected] with proof of your parkour rank. Its unlikely that...
Closing since Skygrid came back up. Thank you for being patient. :)
Its at 4:04 but the lag in the video is unbelievable, not sure what I think tbh.
We need unedited videos please.
Please tell me at which times in the video each of the players is hacking. Thanks.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.