14 again
14 just believe
Oppvp? Not atm but i can
IGN: m00_ima_fish AGE: 15 DONOR RANK: Titan PvP Skill: Can range from 2 to 8 if im doing good and have practiced some. Timezone: CST...
One does not hate on the @Puri~ without my permission. @Puri~ (purifiedbws) + m00_ima_fish = PurifiedFish
Support But where it asks if you had other moderating experience you made one grammatical error saying "Which, I personally feel I done a good...
I believe my dude good luck!
U already have me added
who be dis
Support looks like something I would actually want to play for once.
Get back at it my dude support to the fullest
I completely understand what your saying and I'm not saying that those are the only thing that is going to bring you own and prevent you from...
Well based on what I've seen and read this application is very contested between the fact that you are worthy of being a mod or not. Yes you did...
Stop putting notifications in my alert box just make this amazing guy mod and archive this already. Come on he really deserves it.
Hey glaze I looked it over and it looks great! Did find one minor spelling error in your honesty paragraph line 7 you put "weather" when it should...
Report unfollow both of them
U stupid
Go for it