1. xFeurin. 2. IpswitchBookUser. 3. Scamming. 4. Video. [MEDIA] I said I'd give him 3 diamond blocks for 27k, he complied. I even told him if he...
1. AddictiveShadow. 2. xFeurin. 3. Trading Real Life money Item for virtual gain. 4. Screenshot. [ATTACH] 1. Zombie____Creed. 2. xFeurin. 3....
ban her
You're funny aren't you, I changed my name when everything wouldn't save, I did it when name changing was new to everyone. I changed my name not...
Preface: Hello everyone! Welcome to my map creation 'Caves' [V2]. Map Name: Caves. [V2] Theme: Cave/Bumpy. Creators: Turtalized, xFeurin, lck99....
No it hasn't. I haven't had a direct answer yet.
I'm quite curious, If I change my in-game name, does that affect my status, stats in-game or forums, or anything like that? Would appreciate a...
You're still a kid, Mineverse doesn't need anymore kids, especially 12 year olds. I believe you're immature, I don't care what you think about me...
No Support. Nothing personal.
and a haxor and a half [MEDIA]
He gon ddos all the idiots out there!! Help staff! [ATTACH]
I know, but I did state that different types of McMMO should be reset, In the last one, I said that fighting stats, not the full thing, I think...
Not the full thing should be reset, alot of people no-life that game with McMMO and building in-general. If it was to be reset, I'd say: Prison...
Bumpity Bump Bump
I was thinking of something like that, if you have suggestions, edit your post.
Kinda Updated this and I think this section can be gravedug, so here we go. :)
Idk if I can bump but bump
I've been waiting half a year for my mcmmo stuff to return. :/
Okay thanks.