I’ll still beat ya in a 1v1 in prison
I kid you not, I just realised you were mod... still a noob I’d smash ya any day on prison
Lol, atleast you’re being honest
Like I said, sending me hax will fix the problem, guaranteed 100%
Give me hacks, then he’ll show you the way.
Lovely, if I lived closer to you, I’d definitely want you to be the one, you’re so inspiring and have an amazing voice.
Still remember you when you were a basic noob lol
I think you should sing me a song
Indeed, I don’t go well with name changes unless you told me years ago lol
Leggo ❤️❤️
Oh, its Crumpet!! Didn't think you still played :oo
Don't even know/remember your IGN, remember I haven't played since 2015, just loiter around the forums, just seeing what's changed. :) I think I...
Found this but no one seemed to mention old feurin To do my list: Myself (obviously) NoobCupCake, lck99, Grayson, Thorraks, ScoFu, Gwism,...
Done deal
no I don’t I’m sorry, but for $5 however you can earn my respect
Max turned into a female? Unluggy my dude how about MaxeneNinja? No? Sounds okay atleast
I remember this oml
I just pop my head in to see what’s going on, don’t even have a pc anymore lol
You still play oml I remember you but I don’t remember your ign aha
Still remember when you weren’t a staff member oml