Yeah cause last month I was going for top voter and the same thing happened
@Surge move to discussions?
So i've asked a few people and along with myself many people haven't been able to vote today, in fact the only person with 13 votes is ItzArctic....
Thanks it worked.
Every time I launch mc i get a msg "fatal error has occurred" And when I launch mc it crashes!
I have 5k 1 pv of sets 1pv of shrp 30 lol
Been so inactive
Tag would be too long.
His got a alt so
Never seen or herd of you in game or on forums, Neutral
Yo get me god so I can :)
Why was my post deleted?
I've done everything you can think of.
Noob get cs:go
@Scorvix Ban please^^^^ @WhyteDuck Haven't seen you on forums or in-game Also bad grammer I suggest you go through the application and fix the...