is there any non dead hours, I just like the memories I have of a time long ago.
understandable I too do this and frown at the 0 alerts :(
hi, hello
i too miss childhood
i don't even play mc anymore, perhaps it's safe to say that our generation has moved on, and the new one prefers different stuff/gamemodes and...
1. hijacked 2. outbreak 3. temple please make them all block glitchable again too, that is all
Br4in#4987 free loot?
i think they should add fortnite to mineverse
yeah i hop on the forums once every 2 years
@amli yes
'You have no new alerts.'
this happens every few years, people play for a month then stop, circle of life.
I don't know if I really need to make this but, well hell why not. I stopped playing on this server and the game in general years ago (As soon a...
I logged in again :)
This map sucks and I hate it SUPPORT