No support. Those buttons were only added to stop people post farming by simply replying "Support". It's not meant to be used as a normal rating...
Support for buffing the Alpha, no support for the rest. Once we have one or two p£ zombies then zombies will win almost every map. That FA is too...
Us Titans already have it.
Having bad ms sucks.
No support. Xp is easy enough to get.
I mean killing them while they're afk. YOU get the 3-9xp for killing them.
It's not possible. They need different ID's.
There were some people on Op the other day going out of their way to get people false auto banned
Add a 5m afk kick timer. I was just on Infection and there were 7-8 people all afk while the game was running and one of the afk's was the alpha....
Huge support for buffing the Alpha. When you get a bad pvper as Alpha there is only going to be one zombie the entire game unless someone suicides...
You were banned for sprinting while crouching, not actually flying.
No support. 0 videos about mineverse. Your channel only has 2 videos on viper.
Support. -I've seen you helping the randoms in chat when they had questions about the server, something that the majority of the mods just ignore....
What did you expect? It's a Mineverse reset ofc something went wrong at launch.
No support. It's like this by design. Unless the last Infections had this as a bug too and it never got fixed in 5+ years
Agreed. Hit detection is worse than it is on /OP.
No support. It's only 45 seconds between the games where there is nothing to do anyway.