It's called 2 Thuths 1 lie, not 3 lies... Going to go with "Australia is real" as I've never heard of it. 1) Been stabbed in the head 2)...
Neutral. It has quite a few problems that really should be addressed before it resets. The economy, for example, is horrendous. The last time I...
No support. It'll make threads too long with empty space for us to scroll through. If you go to their profiles you can see ALL the accounts that...
No support, we don't need more builders. Nim and Rythen are already doing a perfect job in my opinion.
Infection p2w? Seriously? All you have to do for the free level is hid better than everyone else.... Ranks have nothing to do with the ability to...
At least you're not getting auto banned for "Reach" while afk...
Zombie disguises are using a good chunk of the server memory, hence causing bad hit detection. A 1% increase in server memory can have a HUGE...
Because it uses more memory to run the commands?
Support. Pretty sure some of the maps used bedrock specifically to do damage and make the game harder. However, I feel this should only affect...
No support. All this will do is take up more memory and make hit detection even worse.
^^^ "If your idea is chosen you will be credited at the spawn of...
Then he lied. The server has been 1.8+ only for 3ish years now. Infection was still around then. Hell, this is the second time it has been reset...
They all quit like a year ago other than Ben. He logs onto OP every now and then.
No support. All the minigames were removed due to being dead EXCEPT BlocksVsZombies. This server was removed as the plugin is broken and...
Support. It isn't going to be fixed though. OP has been broken like this for like 4 years now.
Never could tell if you were being serious or sarcastic.
Support. Titan will need a buff too as it's over twice the price of God. Helmets and boots offer the same amount as protection as each other....
My mistake. They both have the same style thumbnails. I assumed they were on the same server.
Recording won't help. Mineverse won't ban closest cheaters even if they're clearly using aim assist. Only hacks like ANti KB and extreme reach...