His forums name is his IGN.
I have a few stacks of sand.
The solution to both world hunger and overpopulation? Cannibalism.
hahahaha. I remember when I and @Benko kept tp trapping this guy and OP Facs and because we weren't stupid enough to click any IP loggers or use...
Ikr you're both totally British slang for a cigarette.
2xp is 28.57% of the xp needed to get to level 1. At level 120 2xp is 0.21% of the xp needed to get from level 120 to 121.
The sarcasm.
People and their fancy texture pack while I'm still using vanilla.
Holy hell. Was thinking "Hijacked isn't an OG map BO2 wasn't released until 2015" then quickly googled and it came out close to a decade ago in...
Support. The leaderboards for games played will all be afk alts. This too.
Support but neutral on the last 3. I'd be super annoyed getting access to /heal while already having it from my rank or getting it twice without...
Make wordchat give 1-2xp. It's very helpful in the early ranks but is kind of pointless the hiogher up you go. Defaults will be able to level up...
Neutral. Some players might like maps that most others hate and never end up playing their favourite map.
In the meantime, the flint and steel is your friend.
hahahah. No.
Tell me about it. My Bryci_ account is banned for a month.