19. Saw one of these on another forum. The playlist was just one song but with different people doing covers.
I remember those. I was never in a clan because I have no friends. I always got steamrolled lmao
Neutral. It'll make it impossible to kill boosted players without any archer zombies online.
Support. We could also just add /rename so you don't even need a furnace. Don't blacklist items though. If someone gets scammed by seeing a false...
6 years on OP and you can clearly tell at least 70% of the active player base at any time has closet cheated. Hell if someone has a constant...
Neutral. Do you only not take damage while swimming or standing on bedrock while submerged?
You can't. Support. It's much easier to have a 1v1 in the dirt area because you don't have random people jumping in. Also all the dragon eggs...
Neutral. Some of the most active people who have posted in the Off-Topic section are current and former staff members anyway.
All these guys with tons of alts that autorun and I have to keep doing /tpahere ;-;
Me too! [ATTACH]
On most maps, all humans end up dead. Rust is one of the few maps where there are humans alive at the end.
Wow. You guys actually informing the player base of updates instead of us having to figure it out for ourselves. Thanks.
It's economically sound aswell. At college we were given a task for homework to do an essay on solving one of the "world" problems. One guy did...
No support. It's been this way for years. Rust is one of the few human bias maps there is.
No support. The game mode was removed due to the gamemode being dead. Even before that the server didn't have a large enough playerbase to be...
Over half the active players have these commands as they're mainly Gods or Titans. (Or a god/titan on an alt). Taking commands away that some...
ASUS X555l laptop Screen Size: 15.6" CPU: Intel Core i5-5200U RAM: 6GB Storage: 558GB (c:) and 822GB (d:) GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 930M (2GB DDR3)...
He'd be getting 114 xp bottles every 12 hours. Which is no big deal tbh. I get 178 xp bottles every hour from my 2 Titan and my God accounts.
Roast me.
Let him keep it. Kit God is arse anyway.