Remove the auto-ban anti cheat on OP PvP It doesn't work properly. I cheat perfectly fine without getting auto banned but when I'm actually...
I haven't played here much in like a year. When I did the ban evading rule kept changing like every week but they ended up settling on allowing it...
Did they change it? Again? The rules here are so confusing.
"There are two types of people 1. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data." My I.T tutor at sixth form wore this shirt one day and most of...
Ban evading is allowed.
Just put a g in front of it? /gmsg been removed or something?
Support. Hey, you voted to advertise the server. Your reward? INSTANT DEATH!
Support. These were added to other servers like 3-4 years ago.
Sneezing on anti-vaxx kids to increase your K/D.
Nope. OPPVP isn't even 0.01% as toxic as it used to be.
Best pickup line. I just wet myself, wanna go change me?
I don't think hackers are the problem. The community just isn't toxic enough with the newer rules. OP PvP used to be one of the most toxic places...
Back in the day, this server could have been sold for a couple hundred thousand easily. Over the years I think it's fair to say that there have...