No support. It's one of the few useful and fun perks there is. I love to /heal * and watch a load of people die. It's hilarious to/heal * during...
Neutral. Maybe a 1000ish limit rather than a total removal.
Just your toe? ;)
Lord Vader with a fluffy red hat...
Support. We used to be able to comment on them before but they removed it. People mainly trash talked but sometimes people would post a mountain...
Carnival. That map with the helicopter and invisible parkour. There are a few maps that let you get outside the map legit. Unless they've been...
Yeah. I was in Meadowhall (huge mall in the U.K.) and this guy just shouted mega cookie then ran up to me. He whispered "get rekt" licked my face...
HP splash pots can be very useful if used properly if your HP is below 6 you can't gapple in time without pearling away or if your attacker is...
No support some maps were intended for players to get outside of the iron bars. Unless they have crappy design.
Neutral. There is no way to accurately enforce the rule.
Neutral. I don't think you should get extra perks/benefits for resetting. Support for getting a symbol before your name each time you reset though.
Happens to me constantly on OP. It's the main reason I stopped playing. On kit I don't get banned but sometimes I get crazy rubberbanded in water...
Neutral. Support if the ranks were purely for bragging rights like the free+ ranks on prison.
No support. They're needed when you're getting gangk'd because they keep losing in 1v1s. It usually takes me 30-45 seconds to break someone's set...
No support. I'd hate to have to deal with tryhards who constantly run and spam their pv's without kb sticks. They help with hackers too.
I'd hate having to store 5,787.04 dubs of anything. Never mind saplings what only drop 3 saplings at most from a normal tree. This is why we need...
When a stranger talks to you by shouting your old Minecraft username..
"His goal and reason is sympathetic but his methods are evil" His goal: Genocide of everyone not black. His reason: His Dad was killed in...
It was always intended to be played this way. The iron bars go that high so you CAN camp on top of them. If the person who made the map didn't...
I don't understand why people think that Killmonger is the greatest villain in the MCU and that he's a sympathetic character.