O k
There ain't decoration on your tree :(
Waiting for waaat
Lmao. Hai Christmas tree <3
OH WAIT. I thought you are that Agent that girl that is a moderator in NET >.>
One day you will meet PuffCheeseGaming (something like that her ign)
My bad <3 ty bbs
Enough with 2 Myrmidous posts
Okay, Ima pull another Myrmidous :t Lets start... *Grabs popcorn and eat* Oh a 14 year old boy? If I am right. "13th of march 2002" No sense...
Must eatten chocolate. Ok back Welcome there!~ I know chu Okay. Some bananas? Thanks! Nice profile pic also
@Lemonade + Banana = Lemonanana Here is a picture of it that I drew. [ATTACH] BB I LUV U
Nanananana (BAnanana)
Princess Banana
Queen (Banana Queen @Iballisticbunny6 )
@fungamer333 + Bert = @bertgamer333 thats where I got my name from Banana + Bert = Beranana @Fight (His IGN is fight4glory) + Bert = Fight4Bert...