The Battle Ain't Gonna End
I am not starting a flame war bb <3 Here are the screenie [spoiler]
You were rude to me in game also. You threatened to DDos mew
Sorry no support until I can slay you since you're unslainable
Me too !11!11!11
Can any mod lock the thread. Also tysm Tads
So today before 30 minutes, I was typing normally but I couldn't able to spell the "C, V and H" in minecraft. I can only type them in caps not in...
EW espin plays here too. FOllow me BB!
Support from what I heard but make sure to be active in creative when u get mod :t
Nope I didn't. It is still the same. I did. I think like what Elrak said :(
So in the creative server I used to have a nice plot but one day, when I typed /p h to go to it, it said that I didnt have a plot. I panicked BUT...
NOoo @Iballisticbanana6 and @Bossgamer lets kill him
He is engaged with me
We are mod because its april foolss
gratz bbs