I've always wanted to know what you sound like ;(
So what client must have to join??
No one person did, nobody has it anymore and never will again.
Are you getting banned?
Bumping this. I I'm sorry for the inactivity due to Finals but now I'm on break and can be more active :)
Ok before we even debate on whether this should be implemented, What exactly is the reason for this? What do you mean unblacklisted? What is...
I feel like the people who already have paid should get to keep their rank or technically they just got robbed out of their money.
I like this idea but I feel like all game modes should have this Infection?
Thank god, finals are completely finished. I passed this semester and can play all break :D
I still play
Passed my hardest final! *Victory Dance*
Just got back from a funeral last night
That fact that nobody isn't supporting this means Cypriot better add this or we will riot.
I was banned when I didn't know the rules and was frustrated I couldn't see why Support.
Gg! :)
A person in a painting