Thanks :)
Three Years on Mineverse :)
I feel old after reading this... (Flashback to Mineverses 1 year birthday)
I can't get past 20 subs on my channel
He said he'd still have about an hour to play
Yeah I'm real inactive right now and have done barely any reports. But colors don't really matter and I'd rather not have them.
Hope you enjoy college dude
Kk here yah go :t
I have 20 subscribers can I be utuber Paz I kewl
How the hell do you have 1000 subs. YouTube is just RNG. Just gotta get lucky and hope people see your YouTube video. Support I guess?
I have 2 subscribers "When you try so hard and you don't succeed, I make lots of videos but nobody ever watches me."
How about a rude, dumb, savage, and crybaby rating?
Thanks bro yeah playing my new PS4 games Right now
I knew you would get it the moment I met you in-game :)
Congratulations! You'll be an amazing Moderator!
Congratulations! I can't really even expect the possibility of me getting moderator considering I'm never on lmao. You'll be an amazing moderator...
Cypriot was viewing this earlier :) Support
2 days until Trumptatorship