I've looked over your post and threads I'm very fond of you.
You make a lot of pointless threads.
Don't really see a point to the thread.
Don't forget the 103 dumb ratings that got changed to neutral. @Durt
Check your phone when you can <3
Unban @Coastic unless you trying to catch these hands also check skype
she knows better
LMAO kill me pls, Ps @Kyra herf likes to be called "Daddy long duck"
https://gyazo.com/91daf566eb1ff41d1be0ea061a7afc75 https://gyazo.com/775138d8b5ad06672c6198843b3b5781
Herf is gei
Lmao ayyyee gang gang shmoked pussi boi @Herf
Check skypes <3
She call me Daddy.
Sc streaks
Lmao miss me with that gay sht bruh
Princess af
Pile already talked about this on here wall, and I doubt a Mv skid would have "Booter" (assuming web based) with 350GB to affect the host, Pile...