Goes hard
jk <3
Rip Capital STEEZ
That's why I made a fake skype ;D
*Makes a Tut on how to use OR as a vpn* Gets hate from skids lmao, If it looks fishy then dont bother getting it I'm just trying to help mv skids...
Yea lol on prison check ur pms when you can :)
So I made this exact thread on minetime and got negative comments, despite what they say about being negative he was literally one of the only...
Like whise bro ;D
Well if you guys didn't know Cyp and Crew recently bought MineTime (>edit< community btw, but there all ez) anyways there working on that server...
Hey guys Camel is salty over a block game lmao and Kane thinks he's cool because he has messages pls kill me
Better tell that milk to back off
Sure lmao, Im mad that you have more messages on a block game forums site, I wish I was a "Experienced member like you and had so many friends...
quick quick
You would be the one to know with k messages lmao get a life
Welcome to the forums BetterThanHolo enjoy your stay :D
"Never play yo self"