Mhmm... I don't think there is a need, as long as the player says like 'hacker' the mod could just find out and record. If not, follow Muse's...
Thanks for your opinions. :) Did you just Support earlier on? But still, Thanks for your opinion. Sorry Very little players came into my mind....
Good luck. Support <3
Ye, This is just part of my suggestion, If yours didn't get accepted. Thanks :)
Thanks <3 Edited Thanks for Support.
Hello guys. I have came up with a good suggestion that might help infection. Maybe allow Mods to see zombies nametag. It will be easier to report...
which ender
Get on infection? Thanks bby
Support. Get the old infection back pls.
Looks like you got your new nick in-game and forums ;-; Furry in-training. I won't call ya that. c:
Swag <3
Ayeee can you get me an Avatar? Ily tysm <33
Gratz <3
Omg Bro You did it Gz on mod<33
Omg Reborn I'm so happy for you <33 ilysm
'Mod Applications' There is no 'e' inside.
@Alex Troll mod app, close this pls.
So there will be a chance for a god to get titan?