Ok, I'm sorry. Please lock this thread.
I didn't follow the format, but please do not count me out and say no support just for that, I beg you.
To all of you that say I am not active, maybe we are in different timezones because I never see you guys either.
General Rules: (Forums & Server) Respect all administrators, moderators, and any player present/non present on the server and/or forums....
It is not long enough, it needs more detail.
No support, not enough detail.
I didn't follow the format, I'm sorry.
Hi, my name is _NateGotBuckets_. I know I have had a bad past of scamming, but those days are over, and I am ready to help. How old are you? I am...
Welcome to my application for moderator. I hope I provide enough information for you to be able to support me in my journey to become a moderator....